Auspicious Adventures

In my world the ideas of going through school and life one step at a time occur every day. Life also entitles others to handle different situations at random. Through my experiences, my adventures describe the different ordeals that occur

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wisdom's Removal

Yesterday I had my wisdom teeth removed and that was an entirely new experience for me. I was sat down in a leaned back chair and the nurses were around me. First I had a laughing gas tube that was put up my nose and shortly the doctor came in. After having the blood pressure device used on me, I had felt for a short few seconds that Darth Vader was using his choke powers on my arm saying, "I find your lack of blood disturbing." The laughing gas had calmed me down and I was in a good state. The doctor said to me, "Ok I'll just rub this alcohol in this one spot and you can clench your fist as tightly as you can for me."

As soon as he had rubbed it on I felt a very stinging injection which was like sort of the impression of being impaled by a small spear. I was thinking in my mind OW that really hurt! Not to shortly afterwards had I realized I had fallen asleep. The only words that I remembered were the nurses waking me up. I was assisted by my mom and escorted home to take it easy for the rest of the day. Since my body was nearly dead, I decided, Lord of the Rings time! I am surprised at all that I was able to stay awake throughout the whole entire movie.

After taking a rest for an hour, I read in the living room through and barely survived because our air condition has been promised to be fixed today by one of those air conditioner guys. I decided to come along and go with the car ride to pick up my dad because that was one place that actually had air conditioning. Even though I was feeling a little better, I realized that speed bumps didn't really help my stomach too much. As I thought it would, the soreness will remain for a couple of days, and then I might attempt to slowly eat harder food again. At least I do know the saying, "Time heals all wounds," and I am pretty sure that is a pretty good statement that applies to my current state.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Weedwackers vs. The Laws of Physics

While preparing for a party on Tuesday, I was given one of the many chores like, "Use the weedwacker to take down those weeds so we don't look unkempt." I followed this rule as usual because I enjoy comments on a good work I have done. I put on my sunglasses to keep out residue from hitting me in the eyes and a mask covering my nose- for allergy precautions. However, I did not know what the powers of the weedwacker could fulfill and I was in for a big surprise.

I was nearing the house with the weedwacker when I heard this very odd noise. No it was not the weedwacker (even though they always are pretty annoying in making sounds.)I kept hearing the sound continue, except this time the noise was getting louder. I halted the weedwacker, and looked to the side of the house and saw an amazing -yet scary- sight. Throughout the whole window the pane was cracking and spreading fast. Although I have had a window accident before, it was nothing like this. By the size of the whole I realized that only one thing had happened; A rock.

I judged that by my angle of where I was facing with the weedwacker, a rock must have spun in a circle and had enough momentum to go flying through the window. One of Newton's laws occur in this situation. "A body in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force." Unfortunately our window was the outside force. I am really happy to say that we have double pane windows, so only the first pane was broken. Now the other has somewhat shattered and looks like a big nose or a little like New Jersey. There is one important equation I have learned out of all of this ; Weedwacker+ laws of physics+ a rock = Bad news for a window and an amazing way of how teachings in class can be applied.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Dog Days

When people say that these are dog days, those who don't know the meaning think that dogs are better at achieving things those days than humans would. For those who do know, the definition means that the day is so hot a dog will go under the porch and lie down to cool off as much as he can.

At times when the temperature is rising I have sometimes taken appreciation in watching the degrees rise per second. Usually the most exciting part would be when u look at the thermometer and jump for joy saying, "O ya, one hundred degrees! Who wants to go outside?" This exuberant statement of joy is left with the answer of laughter or the sounds crickets chirping.

After no one could answer your question, you usually would expect a sign in front of your door that says, Warning! Roast At Your Own Risk! Conveniently showing one of those stick figure guys on the ground emitting heat rays from his body and slowly turning into bacon.

Considering the best option, a person like myself will usually read or do something close to the fan or Air Conditioning. There is one option that I try to grasp - go swimming in a pool. Unfortunately the pool gods did not grant one of these safe havens for me, so I must make do without one. Thinking about "Dog Days" perfectly sums up what I would do if I was a dog; Go under the porch and pant.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Fourth of July

On the Fourth of July, any age can appreciate the beauty of fireworks and freedom. Youngsters do not know why their are dazzling sights on this day, but to those who do know smile and celebrate what are founding fathers have done for us. This post will be dedicated to now what is known as the "Land of the free and the home of the brave."

Going through childhood, fireworks usually scare you (I know they scared me.) Gradually though, you become aquainted with the fireworks and this is the one day where you can look forward to seeing them the most . There is always an awe that comes to you when you see fireworks. Every time they seem to differ over the years and you never lose interest. This fascination comes somewhere from inside of you, yet you don't know where.

There are many possibilities why people like fireworks:

1) People love to see explosions (action movies)
2) Seeing lights in the sky is a lot more exciting then seeing streetlights change
3) They just do
4) All of the above

Out of all the choices, I would choose number four, even though number 2 does give a good point.

For all you people out there have a good Fourth of July and enjoy the explosions! I mean.. fireworks!