Auspicious Adventures

In my world the ideas of going through school and life one step at a time occur every day. Life also entitles others to handle different situations at random. Through my experiences, my adventures describe the different ordeals that occur

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Missed Target

While being at Target yesterday with my mom, I was going to the changing room and see a picture that confused me. On the wall there was a couple under an umbrella dressed in white and kissing. Of course behind them was the Target logo. This made me wonder... does Target suggest that people should frolic in the rain with Target clothes on? Or does this picture depend on people's gullibility to believe that someone can look that happy in the pouring rain ?

If Target is able to put a logo on something like that, they could also put a Target logo behind a man on a bench eating a sandwich. This would border the lines of "Target, people eat here too."
One thing's for sure, I wouldn't mind seeing a Target logo behind shooting range picture.


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