Auspicious Adventures

In my world the ideas of going through school and life one step at a time occur every day. Life also entitles others to handle different situations at random. Through my experiences, my adventures describe the different ordeals that occur

Thursday, June 29, 2006

From Parents With Love

Parents- the very people who give you the meanings of life and lectures of what you should do with it. When a parent tells their child, "Well I think you better get a job to get money," what they really mean is "Thank goodness this kid can learn what life is like." The one thing that brings families so together is that they must disagree on what type of future they should have. When a son tells the mother, "Well I got a good job!" The maternal instinct can switch to the worst. "What is it?" she would ask. "McDonalds!"

Right at this time, the little person inside the mom is exploding. After the bombshell has been layed, this is the time where she thinks, where did I go wrong? This could be the perfect conversation of a son and his mother.

Son: Mom I get to start at McDonalds on Monday! Isn't that great?

Momtron inside mom's head: BEEP BEEP Does not compute! Does not compute! Must tell lecture of how well I have raised child and persuade to buy me a nice luxury retirement.

Mom: *Slight smile trying to be convincing* Of course sweetie!

Son: Oh no her momtron must have triggered I better run before she gives the lecture of life...

Mom: Actually sweetie, can I talk to you?

Son: *Sighs* Well fine what is it?

Mom: Do you want that to be your true job? Are you sure you can't get a better one? Can you please get a good job that pays well, I mean... Why couldn't you have picked something that you were good at? If that is your choice then you have to do your best at it .......

After this conversation ends, and the child is near the end of exhaustion and hunger, he or she will automatically make up one of the best excuses for their escape.

"Hey mom you're show's about to start!"

If this does not work, and she refuses it is on at another time or date, you say, "Well, (insert favorite place for food for parent) is open wanna go?" The parent could then accept and then tell their child how their day was at work- with business like extra information- and tell how often they had to work to finally get to their status in society today. To the child, this routine is simple and keeps thinking, "It's just another normal day."

Sunday, June 25, 2006

When Ants Attack

Hello all and welcome to my first post of my blog. I have heard many opinions of all sorts of blogs and most of them were very appealing to me. Well I think just to start off this blog, I will start off with a story.

Everyone has their own opinions about ants. Whether it is bad or good or somewhere in between, you know there is a greater evil above your opinions; They eat your food. Personally, I don't approve of ants because every single place where water or food is, your little friends are there to meet you. When I was little, I really didn't think that ants were so bad. Usually I squirted them with a water gun and jumped around in glee from my victory. One day when I was told to water the plants outside while the sun was setting, I felt a tingling sensation on my arms and legs.

Looking down I observed what seemed like a colony of ants that were waging war against me. After realizing that shooting water back would be futile, I quickly fled in retreat. Since that time I learned that ants- when in times of hunger or thirst- need to mooch off the human supply of sustenance. To me this gives more of an incentive to protect my house at all costs. Everyone must remember though one statement that can assist getting rid of ants.

"Remember only you can prevent ant attacks" - Arny the exterminator ( not a real person)

With this in mind, always be observant because you know that your friends are always near.